Thursday, 5 July 2012

2nd, 3rd and 4th Blog Awards!

OK, so after thinking for a bit, I have decided to create a new blog award!

The WAS Blog Awards!
To get any of the WAS award, all you have to do is have viewers!
To get the first one all you need is 100 viewers!
and no tagging is involved!

However, if you want a little bit harder! There's:

for when you get 1000 viewers!


for when you get 10000 viewers!

Update it as you go along!
If you would like me to add more numbers, just comment below.
You don't have to be tagged or even post this, just
add it to your sidebar!

May the odds be ever in your favour,

Oh, and WAS stands for 'What A Sight'


  1. Going to add it to my sidebar now! My 3rd Blog Award-so excited!!

    1. That was meant to be a :D just typed in the wrong letter!

    2. I've added it now, but WAS stands for 'What A Sight'!

  2. I love this award....adding it now! :D
    Marian x

  3. im so close to getting the 1000 was award! but for now, im only got the 100 :( lol

    p.s i really like your blog!
    gjam xx

  4. yes! I finally got the 1000!


If you see a spelling mistake, typing error, want to give me feedback on my blog or you just want to ask me something about the post just comment below!

I will try to answer your questions ASAP!

I will take in your feedback so my blog can be the best it can be!

Just comment below!